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We strengthen organisations that are working to make a positive impact on food

 We help organisations to scale and expand, and remain aligned to their purpose.  Our solutions help founders and their leadership teams create a road map to scale and expand, help leaders identify the opportunities that can be unlocked and capabilities that need to be developed in order to build an enduring organisation that will work towards securing the future of food. How we produce and consume food is seeing steady shifts, driven by increased consumer awareness, climate changes, impacts of long terms industrial farming and demands to be more sustainable in how we live. 

Top shifts needed in how food is produced and consumed

These shifts are essential to secure the future of food and create a climate resilient food system

Contact us, if you are an organisation that wants to be future-ready


  • Food is globalised and delinked from local climate systems
  • Mass production of food has improved access. Ingredients are increasingly homogenous
  • Food is travelling across the world and food waste is growing
  • Technology driving mass production and convenience


  • Food is grown and consumed in tandem with climate and biodiversity
  • Focus on nutrition and quality of ingredients. Preservation of diverse food cultures and wisdom
  • Conscious about food waste and carbon footprint
  • Technology to create a climate resilient food system

future Capability Assessment

  • Organisations are often at cross-roads about the choices that need to be made, to grow the business today and also continue to be relevant for the future
  • While organisations are taking steps to become sustainable, these efforts are restricted to meeting statutory requirements or reducing footprint i.e. water, energy, waste. The challenge is to expand the scope to include green sourcing, product integrity, inclusion and embed sustainability into mainstream business
  • Preparing a clear integrated long term plan to move the needle may seem cumbersome, difficult to achiave and at cross-purposes with short term goals
  • Organisations can benefit from a  comprehensive baseline of the most relevant functions, using data and insights to drive decision making

How we approach this




Baseline your current practices using our future Capability Assessment understand your current strengths and opportunities for improvement
Redefine your ambition for how your organisation will contribute to creating a resilient food ecosystem. Create unique value for your business and your customers
Create an integrated roadmap, with clear outcomes and stepping stones to achieve your ambition. Inspire your leadership team to act