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  • Incorporate food in your organisation's sustainability agenda

    Sustainability means creating a new balance across three priorities - economic growth which is socially inclusive and environmentally regenerative.

All progressive organisations around the world are committing themselves to products, services and operations for a sustainable future. Several initiatives to reduce and transition energy consumption,  contribute to environmental conservation, reduce waste and plastic are rapidly taking root. New technologies are being deployed, to accelerate and scale such initiatives. 

However, true and constant impact is going to require a new culture in which everyone takes equal and greater responsibility. 

Does your sustainability agenda truly address the multidimensional nature of the world in which we live?

 Does it inspire and involve your people to take positive action?

With it's universal and profound importance, food is the most unique lens through which all dimensions of a truly sustainable world can be understood and influenced.  We can work with you to include food into your sustainability agenda. 

What we do

We equip individuals and  organisations to understand the relationship between food and sustainability, develop a mindset of sustainability and build sustainable food practices. We create learning experiences which exemplify that sustainable food systems are a path to sustainable living.

​Each of our offerings will equip you to commit to specific outcomes such as local sourcing, healthier menus, low waste and plastic free canteens and others.


Food and Sustainability learning sessions

  • Appreciate that the future of food is critical to the future of the planet
  • Learn what a sustainable food system means 
  • Learn the actions you can take and habits you can build, as an individual, team and community 
  • In-person or hybrid form for groups of any size 


Pop-Up with a Purpose

  • Learning and dining experience for teams
  • Equip participants to eat well while preserving biodiversity, supporting livelihoods and protecting diverse cultures
  • Savour a meal curated with seasonal, local, chemical free ingredients
  • Offsite venue in the city, for groups of 20-25 

Grower-Producer Exchange

  •  Immersive learning experience with a food grower-producer
  • Understand the relationship between food, climate and soil
  • Learn how you can source food responsibly and strengthen food growing communities 
  • Customised based on location, group size and operational requirements